Job descriptions are important communication tools for both functional and legal reasons. Although no state or federal law “requires” a business to have job descriptions, here are some reasons why you...
When it’s time to buy a tractor, excavator or loader, the first question you might ask is: “Do I buy new or used?” There can be advantages to both, and while your answer largely depends on your own...
Buying used equipment for your operation is challenging. You searched everywhere, but could not find what you were looking for at a price you were willing to pay. Finally, you heard that a farmer in a...
January is the time for New Year’s resolutions and planning for what is to come the rest of the year. A quick google search will tell you some of the most common New Year’s resolutions are to lose...
It is something that can strike dread in any small business owner’s heart but will deliver great rewards in the end, the BUSINESS PLAN! December has been given the honor of “National Write a Business...
The spotted lanternfly has become an increasing concern. As of today, 17 states have some degree of infestation. USDA APHIS Download the Spotted Lanternfly Resource Guide There are a few threats the...
Recordkeeping is a fundamental piece of any operation. It is important to keep accurate records all the time, but especially when a disaster strikes. Recordkeeping can be stressful and maybe...
Regardless of what industry you are in, having a skilled and dependable workforce is the foundation of a successful business. Farmers rely on skilled workers, both seasonally and year-round, to...
Updated 1-2025 Crop insurance is a tool farmers can use to mitigate risk. Farmers have noted crop insurance as their most important agriculture risk management tool. A licensed agent can provide...
Is it just me, or does time move a lot faster these days? I just blinked, and 2024 is almost here. That means it’s time for Doc White’s thoughts on how you should start preparing for the new year...